Unrestricted  GRANTS


Unrestricted grants of $1,000 may be made directly to Colorado cancer patients who are in active treatment and in dire financial circumstances. If you receive this award, the check will be made out to your name.   


Do you meet the eligibility for the unrestricted grant?


  • I am 18 years or older, or am the parent/guardian of a patient under 18
  • I am a U.S. Citizen or Legal Resident
  • I am a Colorado resident
  • I have a cancer diagnosis
  • I am currently receiving cancer treatment that includes chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, radiation or surgery, or I have completed one of these treatments within the past month
  • I have a dire financial circumstance (expenses must be greater than income to meet this eligibility requirement)


If you have answered YES to every question, you are eligible to apply for assistance from an unrestricted grant.



Restricted  GRANTS



The restricted grant provides financial assistance for the basic living needs of cancer patients receiving treatment in Colorado who are in dire financial circumstances. Assistance is for expenses such as rent or mortgage, utilities, telephone, car payment, health insurance, and other basic expenses. Checks will be made directly to the vendor on behalf of the patient. 


Do you meet the eligibility for the restricted grant?


  • Same as restricted grant with the addition that the gross income for everyone in the household does not exceed the income guidelines below:
Income Guidelines
# in household Gross Monthly Income
1 $ 1,732
2 $ 2,336
3 $ 2,940
4 $ 3,544
5 $ 4,148
6 $4,752
Add $604 for each additional person

If you have answered YES to every question, you are eligible to apply for assistance from a restricted grant.